Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Planning our Greenhouse planting

As the students (and staff) choose and sort the seeds for our next greenhouse season, several residents have researched the types of plants they all will be working with this next year.  Here is the first of several student paragraphs including researched information about one of the new plants:

Sunflowers by Resident S.

The sunflower is an annual plant native to the Americas.  It is named after its big, hairy blooms that make it look like the sun.  The head of the sunflower consists of many individual flowers that turn into seeds.  One sunflower can often make more than 100 edible seeds itself.

Weather Station Webpage

Check out the local weather conditions right here on our greenhouse blog.  This new link will send you all to our new weather station page.

Weather Station URL -

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Decorations

Our Christmas trees and decorations are up, and the bulletin board explaining the many holidays of this season is on display.  As we all continue to grow and learn here, we must all stop and reflect what we are thankful for this year.  While it may not have been the easiest year for some, we still look for the positives.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Being Fathers!!

It's that time again at BRJD.  For the next two weeks, all Post-D residents will be fathers.  Using the Real Care Baby simulators, our Post-D boys will experience traveling with and caring for infant children.  While everyone is excited, they also admit to being a little nervous and scared.  These babies need constant care and attention including diaper changes, feedings, burping, and rocking.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Peppers, Tomatoes, and Beans

This month the Post-D residents are harvesting the last of our peppers, tomatoes, and beans before the frost. Some even tasted the fruits (or veggies) of their labor.  A few unlucky folks chose to try some spicy peppers.  Needless to say, the water hose was used for more than watering plants this month.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

2012 Enrichment

During enrichment, the residents enjoyed learning about air density (making and flying hot air balloons), and endothermic processes (making ice-cream in bag).

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's all growing

Take a look at our flowers, sunflowers, and plants growing in the raised beds here at BRJD.

The garlic has been harvested

Our Post-D residents begin pulling the garlic out of the ground last week.  Now the garlic cloves are drying out and getting ready to be handed out to staff, friends, and visitors.  In the meantime, don't bring any vampires to visit BRJD because the room housing the picked garlic and hallway near the room smell strongly of garlic!! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Goodies in the Lobby!

The harvest has begun.  The greenhouse and garden are begining to yield the fruits (and veggies) of the Post- D students labor.  We are starting to see these trays of goodies in the lobby of the center.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thank you Charlottesville for making our first day of the plant sale a success.  Please remember to come by today, tomorrow, and May 9th to help support our greenhouse project and your local Region Ten office.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BRJD and Region Ten Plant Sale 

Who:  BRJD Post D residents and staff, Region Ten’s Family Service Committee 
WhatThe plant sale will benefit Region Ten’s FSC scholarship fund. Region Ten clients can apply for money to be used for services they could otherwise not afford.  (i.e. Summer camp for students, therapy services, school materials etc.) The FSC makes the final determination of how the money is distributed. 
When:  Currently planned for -  May 2nd (3:00 – 7:00), May 3rd (11:00 – 1:30), May 4th (11:00 – 1:30) and May 9th (11:00 – 1:30 and 3:00 – 7:00)
**We may be given the opportunity to advertise the sale at the C’ville Farmer’s Market on 4/28/12.  Confirmation will be made 4/26/12.

Where:     Evening times are at Meade Park Famer’s Market
       Mid Day times are on the Downtown Mall 
WhyThis activity allows Post D residents the opportunity to interact in the community in a positive manner and to reap the rewards of their work in the Greenhouse Program. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring is here!!!!

Tulips, garlic, and outdoor plants are in bloom. Plus, tomatoes, peppers, and other herbs and greenhouse plants are growing at BRJD.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The Post- D group at BRJD have been busy planting and growing tomatoes since late February.  Pictures of the plant progress, as well as descriptions and plant history will soon follow.  Stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weather Pic

In Virginia, snow has been rare this winter. So many thanks to A/B classroom (Northwestern Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Winchester) for sharing a snow pic.

Friday, January 6, 2012

BRJD Weather Station is now up and running!

Greetings from the BRJD Greenhouse.  We are excited to report the installation of  the weather station in our greenhouse/garden area.  With this station, residents can track current weather conditions and forecast future weather and trends for our locality.  In addition, we would like to share our findings with local weather stations and other detention facilities.  We are specifically interested in comparing data and discussing how local geographical features influence weather.  If you are interested in sharing data, please contact us at this blog or call our Principal, Ms. Cooper, at 434-951-9340.