Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Planning our Greenhouse planting

As the students (and staff) choose and sort the seeds for our next greenhouse season, several residents have researched the types of plants they all will be working with this next year.  Here is the first of several student paragraphs including researched information about one of the new plants:

Sunflowers by Resident S.

The sunflower is an annual plant native to the Americas.  It is named after its big, hairy blooms that make it look like the sun.  The head of the sunflower consists of many individual flowers that turn into seeds.  One sunflower can often make more than 100 edible seeds itself.

Weather Station Webpage

Check out the local weather conditions right here on our greenhouse blog.  This new link will send you all to our new weather station page.

Weather Station URL -