Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Decorations

Our Christmas trees and decorations are up, and the bulletin board explaining the many holidays of this season is on display.  As we all continue to grow and learn here, we must all stop and reflect what we are thankful for this year.  While it may not have been the easiest year for some, we still look for the positives.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Being Fathers!!

It's that time again at BRJD.  For the next two weeks, all Post-D residents will be fathers.  Using the Real Care Baby simulators, our Post-D boys will experience traveling with and caring for infant children.  While everyone is excited, they also admit to being a little nervous and scared.  These babies need constant care and attention including diaper changes, feedings, burping, and rocking.